This year’s trip began with the challenge of having our flight cancelled due to a snowstorm, sleeping in the airport, and having to find a way to purchase new tickets the day we needed to leave, which came at more than double the cost of the original tickets for one-way. (Travel insurance would not cover “an Act of God.”) We arrived in Kenya almost two days later than planned, but by God’s grace and strengthening, we were able to pull together and start the medical camp on time as planned.
During the medical camp, we treated 1,640 patients, which was exactly the same number as we treated the previous year. We made a few changes to the flow this year, since the physical space at the clinic had been changed after the remodeling last June, and everything seemed to go very smoothly. Each morning after a brief staff meeting, the patients were given instructions on traffic flow, they were presented with a short message from the Word or an inspirational song, and the day began with prayer.
Each day of the first week, we had the opportunity to go into the local school and present Bible programs. Students were separated into two groups: pre-k through grade 3, and grades 4 through 8. Each group had a lead teacher, and the helpers rotated so that everyone who wanted had a chance to go to the school. Daily the gospel was presented, and students were challenged to move to a deeper level of trust in, love for, and dependence on the One true God. At the end of the week, each student was given a small packet of supplies and treats.
The Dental Team this year included two Kenyan professionals who handled all of the extractions, and while we don’t have the exact count, we estimate it to be around or above 500 teeth! We also had a Dental Assistant as part of our team this year, which was an exciting addition for the entire team. Funds had been raised to purchase 20 sets of pre-formed dentures, and 19 and a half were given to people during camp week.
By the time the team returned from a short safari, the return tickets had been worked out, but the cost of the changed departure and return tickets left the ministry with a very large debt. We will continue to pray that God will provide for the funds needed, and ask that everyone pray with us about this, as well.